You're saying, "What?? Huh ??" Either because, hey, it's Christmas and here's this Jewish guy posting Thanksgiving photos. Or you're thinking, "Isn't the purpose of Thanksgiving, like, duh??"
OK, fair enough. But here's my train of thought:
People are very generous at Christmas, both to their family and loved ones, and to others who are in need of some generosity. There's all the year-end-charitable-giving, and the gift giving, and the baskets for the homeless ... The thing is, people without money are poor all year round. Don't get me wrong, the year-end charity is really helpful, but really people need help the rest of the time too.
Similarly, Thanksgiving. Really? You live the blessed life you have and you're going to be thankful once a year?
On the other hand, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite moments of the year. So, why?
First, because we go to my brother Eric's house and he arranges for the snow to fall in just the right way to make it really pretty out.
Second, I make sticky buns for Thanksgiving -- the same recipe my Mom used to make, which we both got from the Woodbine Cottage, a now-closed "home-style" restaurant that used to be in Sunapee, New Hampshire. I love sticky buns. I usually make them one or two other times in the year, but I always make them for Thanksgiving, and I love to eat them.
Apparently others like to eat them too.
Third, all these great people show up (my family). And then we eat delicious food to excess. It's perversely helpful to eat too much sometimes, as long as you notice "hey, this is what unrestrained eating feels like, it's not completely pleasant, and I don't think I'll do it again for awhile." But those tastes in the mouth are sooooo gooooood...
If it was only one plate this full that would be one thing. (Actually Amy avoids the excess thing, which I don't completely get.)
Then everybody plays a board game, either because they like board games, or because they're just passing time until it's time for dessert.
Then it's time for dessert. In my family, we really like dessert. And there's a lot of good cooks. So we have a lot of really good desserts. Delicious excess, part two.
It's all pretty great. And I didn't even include the walks, or Sasha the wonder-dog, or the great stories, or the old family photos. As I said, it's one of my most favorite holidays. And in a world full of people who don't have homes, or food, or family, or health, it's a lot to be thankful for. Every day.
(Blueberry pie by Sarah and Rebecca.)