Foucault's Pendulum, The Pantheon, Paris, France.
Division: Color Enlargement; Class: Misc.
Every year I enter photos in the Guilford Agricultural Fair's contest (Department R, to be specific). This year I entered 10 photos. One or two may look familiar, but in any case here they are (including the one above):
Castle Stairwell, Loire Valley, France
Adult Color Enlargement, Architecture.
Purple Coneflower
Adult Color Enlargement, Flowers and Plants.
Wheat Field, Loire Valley, France
Adult Color Enlargement, Scenic.
Trees in Fog, North Guilford
Adult Color Enlargement, Scenic.
Barn Door, North Guilford
Adult Black and White Enlargement, Architecture
Squirrel at Haverford College, Pennsylvania
Adult Color Enlargement, Wildlife
Field of Sunflowers, Loire Valley, France
Altered or Manipulated Photography, Scenic
Blue Doors, Santorini, Greece
Altered or Manipulated Photography, Architecture
Hay Rolls, Loire Valley, France
Altered or Manipulated Photography, Scenic
Some years I have won a ribbon or two, some years none. But this year was a bumper crop! I won four regular ribbons
and Best In Show for adult color enlargement! (... I'm so excited ....) Steve