There was never more than a thin blanket of snow in New Hampshire this winter, but that blanket is thinning and revealing what has been sleeping since last fall.
The streams are tunneling under the remaining snow. You have to be careful where you walk. I came back from a hike in the woods, having fallen through the snow and up to my calf in a stream; taking my boot off I emptied out the remaining half-cup of cold water.
The growing spring light illuminates the stones in the stream, and the greening moss glows through the snow in the woods.
The tree trunk doesn't look any different despite the change in seasons. But Amy and I really liked the pattern !!
We are seeing increasing signs of animal life. A moose had been up and around -- we saw very fresh clear tracks.
The trails where small animals (field mice? voles?) had tunneled under the snow are now being revealed as the top layers melt.
The melting snow and running steams are making some great reflecting pools. I am hoping, though, that a benefit of how little snow we have had is that the woods stay relatively dry during the spring, minimizing the summer mosquitoes !