This is a picture from February, when we went skiing in Canada with my father-in-law Klaus. Yes, that's him. Yesterday we celebrated his 80th birthday!
Just to be clear, I do not intend to be downhill skiing when I turn 80... because at 52 I can barely control my sliding course down the hill. But I do hope that like Klaus I will be healthy, busy and pursuing my passions for decades to come. Klaus remains active in practicing law; supporting charities (including legal aid); visiting with friends; traveling; following and engaging in national politics; walking through the woods; eating good food and listening to good music. And of course he remains deeply engaged with his (our) family.
So here's a virtual toast to my 80-year-old father-in-law and all the energy and passion he exemplifies. A lesson we can all learn: blowing out the candle is well and good, but don't forget to savor the cake!

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