Today, the view from my camera happens to be the view out my window. Amy so kindly put one of our bird-feeders right outside where my desk sits (the feeder is, as I type, about 4 feet away from me). And Amy keeps the feeders filled. The chickadees, titmice, and woodpeckers love the feeder; they also hang out on the lilac bush from which the feeder hangs. The lilac has some older parts which apparently tempt the birds (especially the woodpecker) to dig around for bugs. This downy is sitting just above the most-probed knot.
The chain of connection goes like this:
* Amy filled the bird feeder this morning with sunflower seeds
* The birds immediately started crowding around
* I took this picture
* And now you see the bird outside my window.
So here's a shout-out to Amy, the birds, Dennis Gilloran (who installed the big window), Ben Baker (who built my desk), the Google people who make this Blog available, and whatever Greater Force set the whole wheel, including the intricate little marble on which we sit, in motion.
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